Are you looking to launch a new product? Are you in the process of developing a new design? Are you releasing new software for creatives, games, or multimedia applications? Get in touch with us. We have the right funding, provide comprehensive consultations, and can assist you in networking with prospective cooperation partners.
Funding for creative companies that develop new ideas
Creative Industry Project Funding
Funding for companies and entrepreneurs in the creative industries who are designing new products or facilitating the work of creative professionals by providing new services.
Max. funding
200,000 euros per project
Submission deadlines 2024:
31 July, 30 November
Media Project Funding under the Vienna Media Initiative
Funding for existing media companies and those in the start-up phase who are developing new media services in Vienna.
Max. funding
100,000 euros per project
Submission deadlines 2024:
31 October
Media Start Funding under the Vienna Media Initiative
Funding for media entrepreneurs who are implementing economically sustainable media services and preparing them for the market.
Max. funding
10,000 Euro per project
Submission deadlines 2024:
31 July, 31 October
Funding competition Culture & Technology: Focus Festivals
Funding for companies who have won awards in the Culture & Technology ideas competition and are developing plans for a festival in Vienna.
Max. funding
100.000 Euros per project, davon bis zu 30.000 für die Veranstalter*innen und bis zu 70.000 für das technologieorientierte Wiener Kreativwirtschaftsunternehmen, including up to 30,000 euros for the festival, up to 70,000 euros for the technology partner
Submission period:
July 1 through September 15, 2024
Creative Industry Market Entry Funding
Funding for companies in the creative industries accessing new markets and target groups or creating new sales channels.
Max. funding
50,000 euros per project
Submission deadlines 2024:
31 July, 30 November
Ideas competition Creatives for Vienna
Game developer sought: Are you working on an unfinished prototype with creative concepts in Extended Reality (XR), Artificial Intelligence (AI), Blockchain, or Animation?
Max. funding
5 x 10,000 euros production support
Submission period:
June 5 through September 18, 2024
Creatives for Vienna 2024
We are looking for creative digital projects in the fields of Extended Reality (XR), Artificial Intelligence (AI), Blockchain, or Animation.
Max. funding
5 x 10,000 euros production support
Submission period:
23 September to 2 December, 2024
Innovation Funding
Funding for SMEs and entrepreneurs developing innovative new products, technologies and services.
Max. funding
300,000 euros per project
Submission deadlines 2024:
30 September, 31 December
Vienna Quality of Life Funding
Funding for SMEs and entrepreneurs implementing new ideas for a sustainable world and a high quality of life in Vienna.
Max. funding
150,000 euros per project
Submission deadlines 2024:
31 August, 31 December
Vienna Planet Fund
Funding for companies and entrepreneurs developing climate-friendly products, technologies and services in Vienna.
Max. funding
250,000 euros per project
Submission deadlines 2024:
31 August, 30 November
Healthcare Funding
Funding for research projects of companies and entrepreneurs aimed at developing medicinal products for human health. Processes and services for drug production or innovations in diagnostics and medical technology may also be granted funding.
Max. funding
600,000 euros per project
Submission deadlines 2024:
31 March 2025
Neighbourhood Business Funding
Structural remodelling, non-personnel and material costs, consultation costs, training and professional development, marketing costs, the acquisition of technical equipment and machines, licenses, concessions, and payroll costs.
Max. funding
75,000 euros per project
Submission deadlines 2024:
30 September, 31 December
Understanding Science Funding
Funding for projects that aim to explain and present topics in mathematics, computer science, natural sciences, and technology in an understandable way.
Max. funding
60,000 euros per project
Submission deadlines 2024:
15 August, 15 December
- Funding for media companies in Vienna
Support for your new media format.
Vienna Media Initiative.
For media companies planning a new format and people who want to set up a new media outlet. Take advantage of the resources provided by the Vienna Media Initiative.
- Kreative Räume Wien
Lease affordable commercial property in Vienna.
Contact Kreaitve Räume Wien if you want to make temporary use of vacant property or are interested in vacant commercial units in Vienna.
- The Culture & Technology Podcast
The Culture & Technology Podcast.
Tune in.
Listen to the most important thought leaders in the field and learn more about the dynamics affecting culture and technology.
Culture & Technology
White PaperGain insights on creative catalysts for digital applications in art and culture.