Are you thinking of starting your own business? Do you have an idea but aren't sure what to do next? Are you questioning whether your idea can succeed?
Call us and book an initial consultation. Together, we'll build a solid foundation so that you can quickly implement your idea, and clarify the most important points you need to consider when starting up. By completing an initial consultation, you will qualify for further coaching geared towards founders and startups.
- initial steps to starting a new business
- overview of all the possible legal forms
- overview of social insurance and taxes
- types of enterprises
- business plan contents
- funding opportunities available to you
- information on the Startup Grant
- information on the international startup network
- prospective founders, founders, and entrepreneurs
- startups, one-person enterprises, and micro-enterprises, including self-employed individuals who fall under the new self-employment scheme (Neue Selbständige)
- businesses in the pre-startup, startup and post-startup phases (up to five years after founding)
Prerequisites: To qualify for an initial consultation, the business must have been founded or headquartered in Vienna.
The "Smart Founders" project is co-funded under the IBW/EFRE & JTF programme.