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Funding for businesses that develop new ideas

Innovation Funding

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Funding for SMEs and entrepreneurs developing innovative new products, technologies and services.

Max. funding
300,000 euros per project

Submission deadlines 2024:
30 June, 30 September, 31 December

Vienna Quality of Life Funding

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Funding for SMEs and entrepreneurs implementing new ideas for a sustainable world and a high quality of life in Vienna.

Max. funding
150,000 euros per project

Submission deadlines 2024:
31 August, 31 December

Vienna Planet Fund

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Funding for companies and entrepreneurs developing climate-friendly products, technologies and services in Vienna.

Max. funding
250,000 euros per project

Submission deadlines 2024:
31 August, 30 November

Healthcare Funding

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Funding for research projects of companies and entrepreneurs aimed at developing medicinal products for human health. Processes and services for drug production or innovations in diagnostics and medical technology may also be granted funding.

Max. funding
600,000 euros per project

Submission deadlines 2024:
31 July, 31 March 2025

Neighbourhood Business Funding

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Structural remodelling, non-personnel and material costs, consultation costs, training and professional development, marketing costs, the acquisition of technical equipment and machines, licenses, concessions, and payroll costs.

Max. funding
75,000 euros per project

Submission deadlines 2024:
30 June, 30 September, 31 December

Understanding Science Funding

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Funding for projects that aim to explain and present topics in mathematics, computer science, natural sciences, and technology in an understandable way.

Max. funding
60,000 euros per project

Submission deadlines 2024:
15 August, 15 December

  • Production spaces available at the Technology Centre Seestadt.

    Lease space for your business

    The Technology Centre Seestadt offers production spaces and offices specifically designed to accommodate technology companies.

    Technology Centre Seestadt
    Blick auf die Gebäude des Technologiezentrum Seestadt
  • Success Story

    refurbed - circular economy as an international opportunity

    Based in Vienna, refurbed is making waves in the European Greentech industry. More than just a retailer of refurbished devices, Kilian Kaminski and his team are at the forefront of driving global sustainability policy.

    Learn more
  • Success Story

    FANTOPLAST: Recycled design solutions take the Gewerbehof Seestadt by storm

    FANTOPLAST Circular Design has found everything it was looking for in the Gewebehof in Seestadt: A place where real designer pieces are created from recycled plastic waste and where urbanity and production are thought of together!

    Learn more
    Fantoplast: Das Team von Fantoplast, eine Frau und vier Männer, stehen mit bunten runden und eckigen Paneelen in einem Innenhof.
  • Success Story

    kleinkraft – small but mighty energy pioneers

    The world is racing to transition from fossil fuels towards more renewable energies. On energy storage, kleinkraft is blazing a new trail.

    Learn more
    kleinkraft: Eine Frau steht in einem Labor
  • Success Story

    Boehringer Ingelheim: saving lives in the heart of Vienna

    With over 3400 employees from all over the world, the Vienna Regional Center is the global hub for Boehringer Ingelheim's cancer research and coordinates business for more than 30 countries

    Learn more
    Boehringer Ingelheim: Drei Frauen und dein Mann sitzen in einem Besprechungsraum
  • Lease labs for life sciences startups.

    You can lease affordable, fully equipped lab workstations at our Startup Labs. The facilities come pre-equipped with the most important instruments and machines.

    Startup Labs
    Eine Frau mit Laborkittel und Gummihandschuhen hält ein durchsichtige Flasche in der Hand und betrachtet den Inhalt
  • Life sciences in Vienna.

    LISAvienna will give you the lowdown on Vienna's life sciences scene

    LISAvienna is a key knowledge base and the first port of call for life sciences companies in Vienna looking for information on financing and networking opportunities.

    Drei Frauen stehen zusammen und tauschen Kontakte aus. Sie haben dazu Handys in der Hand


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