Do you design fashion in Vienna? Do you design products, processes, games or other multimedia projects? Are you working on programmes that improve the work of creative professionals such as architects, designers, musicians or filmmakers? Do you have creative ideas for public spaces?
Come to us with your idea for a new product line or business model: We provide several types of funding as well as networking opportunities in the creative and media industries. Participate in our creative competitions or get production support to execute your plan.
Attend our cost-free events to engage with global thought leaders in your field, and present yourself and your business to a wider audience.
If you have an idea for a journalistic product, want to launch a media startup, or have a development proposal for a media company in Vienna, the Vienna Media Initiative is your port of call. Apply for funding to get your media startup or your media company's new format off to a fast start. Attend our events to meet the key actors in Vienna's media sector and grow your network or develop your idea in collaboration with other journalists.
- Funding for media companies in Vienna
Support for your new media format.
Vienna Media Initiative.
For media companies planning a new format and people who want to set up a new media outlet. Take advantage of the resources provided by the Vienna Media Initiative.
- Kreative Räume Wien
Lease affordable commercial property in Vienna.
Contact Kreaitve Räume Wien if you want to make temporary use of vacant property or are interested in vacant commercial units in Vienna.
- The Culture & Technology Podcast
The Culture & Technology Podcast.
Tune in
Listen to the most important thought leaders in the field and learn more about the dynamics affecting culture and technology.
- Creative Days Vienna
Creative Days Vienna
Review 2024
How are digital technologies shaping the future of cultural experiences and opening up new possibilities? In June, 2024, leading international creative professionals came together for a program of talks, tours and networking formats.
Culture & Technology
White PaperGain insights on creative catalysts for digital applications in art and culture.

Urban Food
White PaperFind out more about the trends in food and design.