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  • Production spaces available at the Technology Centre Seestadt.

    Lease space for your business.

    The Technology Centre Seestadt offers production spaces and offices specifically designed to accommodate technology companies. 

    Technology Centre Seestadt
    Blick auf das Technologiezentrum Seestadt
  • Lease labs for your life sciences startup.

    Sharing favourable infrastructure.

    You can lease affordable, fully equipped lab workstations for your life sciences startup at the Startup Labs. The facilities feature the most important tools and machines needed for your work.

    Startup Labs
    Eine Frau mit Laborkittel und Gummihandschuhen hält ein durchsichtige Flasche in der Hand und betrachtet den Inhalt
  • Life sciences in Vienna.

    LISAvienna will give you the lowdown on Vienna's life sciences scene.

    LISAvienna is a key actor and the first port of call for life sciences companies looking for information on financing and networking opportunities in Vienna.

    Drei Frauen stehen zusammen und tauschen Kontakte aus. Sie haben dazu Handys in der Hand
  • Pulling together to develop new ideas.

    Find partners for your new venture in our Co-creation workshop.

    Are you looking for a new solution to a challenge your company is facing? Do you need input from other companies or research institutions in order to assess your idea from different perspectives? Then our Co-creation workshops are just what you need.

    Co-creation workshop
    Eine Frau und zwei Männer stzen gemeinsam an einem Tisch. Sie diskutieren und beraten sich
  • Stories from Vienna

    The taste of France in Vienna – butter-free!

    Breakfast pastries, cookies, macarons and cakes – all without the slightest trace of egg, milk or butter: This was the dream of the two creative pastry chefs behind patisserie Chez Fritz in Vienna’s Servitenviertel district.

    Learn more
    [Translate to English:] Eine Torte mit Himbeeren
  • Stories from Vienna

    Biofabrique Vienna – Design from Viennese waste

    In a world that is increasingly prioritising sustainability and the circular economy, Biofabrique Vienna is showcasing how unused resources can be transformed into new materials.

    Learn more
    Biofabrique Kantine in der Festivalzentrale der Vienna Design Week
  • Stories from Vienna

    LIVIN farms – a new kind of protein

    Livin farms, headed by Katharina Unger, is a pioneer in the field of sustainable food production through insect farming.

    Learn more
  • Stories from Vienna

    Compact Electric - Empowering women in electrical engineering

    Ulrike Haslauer, Managing Director of Compact Electric GmbH, holds her own as one of the very few women in the Austrian electrical industry. She took over the family business in 1989, after the sudden death of her father when she was just 22.

    Learn more

Data Economy


Find out about trends and developments, and get to know the key experts in the data economy in Vienna. Take your company's data handling to the next level.

Go to report
Report Datenwirtschaft: eine Frau hält ein Tablet in der Hand

Artificial Intelligence


Find out about artificial intelligence (AI) in Vienna and get to know the complexity and dynamics of the technology. Get an overview of your networking opportunities and the services offered by the Vienna Business Agency for companies.

Go to report
Technologie-Report Künstliche Intelligenz


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