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Funding for neighbourhood businesses looking for commercial space in Vienna

Digitalisation Funding

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Funding for SMEs implementing digitalisation.

Max. funding
50,000 euros per project

Submission deadlines 2024:
30 June, 30 September, 31 December

Street-Level Business Revitalisation Funding

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Funding for SMEs, associations and entrepreneurs investing in vacant street-facing, ground-floor commercial premises.

Max. funding
35,000 euros per project

Submission deadlines 2024:
30 June, 30 September, 31 December

Vienna Neighbourhood Initiative Funding

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Funding for small businesses and entrepreneurs in selected areas of Vienna’s 2nd, 16th and 20th districts who provide goods and services aimed at meeting the daily needs of their local neighbourhood.

Max. funding
10,000 euros per year

Submission period
Ongoing until 31 December 2025

Neighbourhood Business Energy Funding

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Funding for small businesses and entrepreneurs who are saving energy at their ground-floor premises and making their location more appealing to customers.

Max. funding
25,000 euros per year

Submission period:
Ongoing until 31 December 2026

Production Funding

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Funding for small, medium and large companies and entrepreneurs for the purpose of setting up new production processes or acquiring energy-efficient machinery.

Max. funding
200,000 euros per project

Submission deadlines 2024:
30 June, 30 September, 31 December

U-Bahn (Subway) Support Funding

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Funding for companies whose business is affected by construction work for the new U2 & U5 U-Bahn lines.

Max. funding
10,000 euros for lease costs, 7,000 euros for initiative projects.

Submission deadlines 2024:
Ongoing from 1 January 2024

Events & workshops for neighbourhood businesses

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  • Lease space at the Gewerbehof Seestadt.

    The Gewerbehof Seestadt offers the perfect space for artisans, tradespeople, and manufacturers.

    Gewerbehof Seestadt
    Zwei Männer arbeiten in einem Raum an einem Holzwerkstück.
  • Lease space at the Technology Centre Seestadt.

    Lease a space for your company and make use of the Centre's modern facilities.

    Technology Centre Seestadt
    Blick auf das Technologiezentrum Seestadt
  • Your contact point in Vienna's industrial zones.

    Book consultations with the Vienna Business Districts and find out about the different options you have in terms of vacant commercial spaces, infrastructure, and funding.

    Vienna Business Districts
    Orangener Gabelstapler fährt über ein Betriebsgelände


We provide cost-free, non-binding consultations.

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