I currently provide support for Creative Industries and Media Funding.
Carina Trafoier

As a funding expert for the creative and media industries, I facilitate related projects – from submission and evaluation to project support and completion – and am available for consultations. I currently provide support for Creative Industries and Media Funding.

As a funding expert for the creative and media industries, I facilitate related projects – from submission and evaluation to project support and completion – and am available for consultations.
Elisabeth Kuntner

As a funding expert for the creative and media industries, I facilitate related projects – from submission and evaluation to project support and completion – and am available for consultations. I currently provide support for Creative Industry Project Funding and Media Start Funding under the Vienna Media Initiative.

Facts about the Media Project Funding under the Vienna Media Initiative

Maximum funding amount:

100,000 euros per project 

Funding rates:

60% for media companies in the process of being founded, and 45% for existing media companies.

Minimum project value:

10,000 euros

Who is eligible?

Existing media companies and media companies in the process of being founded in Vienna.


Women's bonus: 10,000 euros. The women's bonus is awarded if your development proposal is managed by a woman with the necessary qualifications.

Business sectors:

Media Project Funding under the Vienna Media Initiative is meant for existing media companies and media companies in the process of being founded.

Eligible costs:

Internal payroll costs, courses, and professional development programmes as well as consultation costs or travel expenses.

Maximum project duration:

2 years

Documents for your application to receive Media Project Funding under the Vienna Media Initiative:

A duly completed online funding application, an application authenticity certificate along with a de minimis declaration, your latest financial accounts, and/or an income statement.

Upfront payment:

Up to a maximum of 50% of the approved funding amount can be paid up front. Don't forget to your biannual progress report on your development proposal.


An independent jury will assess your submission and provide a recommendation for your development proposal's funding.


You can apply for Media Project Funding under the Vienna Media Initiative on our online portal anytime.

Legal basis under European state aid law:

De minimis

Submission deadlines:

October 31

Typical steps when applying for Media Project Funding under the Vienna Media Initiative

Developing a project idea
Consultations by the Vienna Business Agency
Selecting the funding that's right for you
Organising your project content
Online project submission
Project assessment by a jury
Communication of the outcome by the Vienna Business Agency

Information material on Media Project Funding under the Vienna Media Initiative

Deadlines and submission

Submission period:1 January 2024 to 31 October 2025
Submission deadlines 2024:31 October