My job is to continuously refine our services for businesses in the creative and media industries, ensure smooth workflows, and run the Vienna Media Initiative.
Gabriel Schlesinger
Funding | Team Leader

My job is to continuously refine our services for businesses in the creative and media industries, ensure smooth workflows, and run the Vienna Media Initiative. I provide consultations on our funding opportunties for creative enterprises and media businesses. 

Drawing on my expertise in the music and film business, in media, and in publishing, I offer consultations for your projects, facilitate connections, and provide information about our funding opportunities.
Heinz Wolf
Creativity & Business

Drawing on my expertise in the music and film business, in media, and in publishing, I offer consultations for your projects, facilitate connections, and provide information about our funding opportunities. Are you intrigued by the dynamics between culture and technology, and are you planning a development proposal in these fields? Let's talk.

As a project coordinator, I manage a wide range of collaboration initiatives in the creative industries and help implement networking formats.
Carina Dala
Creativity & Business

As a project coordinator, I manage a wide range of collaboration initiatives in the creative industries and help implement networking formats. As an expert in fashion, I provide consultations for new proposals and information on our funding opportunities.

Facts about the Funding Competition Culture & Technology: Focus Festivals

Maximum funding amount:

100,000 euros per project, including up to 30,000 euros for the festival organiser and up to 70,000 euros for the technology-oriented, Vienna-based creative enterprise.

Co-funding rate:


Minimum project value:

30,000 euros

Who is eligible?

Festival organisers selected as winners in the Culture & Technology: Festival Focus ideas competition


Festival organisers, enterprises in the creative industries

Eligible costs:

Personnel costs of festival organisers with an establishment in Vienna; services provided by technology-oriented, Vienna-based creative enterprises

Upfront payment:

Up to a maximum of 50% of the approved funding amount can be paid up front. Don't forget your biannual progress report on your development proposal.



Maximum project duration:

2 years


Your submission will be evaluated by a jury of external and internal experts, who will issue a recommendation regarding funding for your project

Required documents:

A duly completed online funding application, an application confirmation, a de minimis declaration,  your most recent annual accounts and/or a cash-basis accounting statement, plus CVs for project managers

Legal basis under European state aid law:


Submission period:

July 1 to September 15, 2024

Typical steps when applying for Digitalisation Funding

Submit a winning entry to the ideas competition
Consultations by the Vienna Business Agency
Develop a project application based on winning idea
Submit your project online
Participate in a hearing
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Deadlines and submission

Submission period:July 1 through September 15, 2024