I assist founders in the early-stage realisation of their founding ideas and in networking the startup ecosystem.
Emira Abidi
Startup Services

I assist founders in the early-stage realisation of their founding ideas and in networking the startup ecosystem. If you have any questions or need information on the Startup Grant, contact me. As Gender and Diversity Officer, I am the contact person for all diversity issues in order to promote diversity and equality at the Vienna Business Agency and for the Business location Vienna.

A graphic showing the process of filing a compliance request with Vienna Business Agency
 As chief compliance officer, I work with my team to ensure that the many different tasks of the Vienna Business Agency and its subsidiaries are implemented in conformity with applicable laws, directives, and other regulatory requirements.
Martin Pahr
Legal ∣ Head of Department

As chief compliance officer, I work with my team to ensure that the many different tasks of the Vienna Business Agency and its subsidiaries are implemented in conformity with applicable laws, directives, and other regulatory requirements.