Facts about Neighbourhood Business Energy Funding

Maximum funding amount:

25,000 euros per year

Funding rate:

50% for energy-saving measures, 25% for other measures

Eligible costs:

Energy-saving measures (50%), as well as any measures (25%) taken to make a shop more attractive.

Minimum project value:

3,000 euros

Business sectors:

Commerce, trade, and hospitality.

Maximum project duration:

2 years

Documents for your application to receive Neighbourhood Business Energy Funding:

A duly completed online funding application, an application confirmation, a de minimis declaration, your latest annual financial statements, and/or an income statement, as well as cost proposals for energy-saving measures.


Funding applications are assessed on a first-come, first-served basis. In other words, companies that meet the funding criteria and are the first to submit their funding application will be granted funding approval.

Legal basis under European state aid law:



Startup bonus: 5,000 euros. If a new company is founded as part of the development proposal, we'll also pay a startup bonus.

Submission deadlines:

Ongoing from January 1, 2024

Typical steps when applying for Neighbourhood Business Energy Funding

Developing a project idea
Consultations by the Vienna Business Agency
Selecting the funding that's right for you
Organising your project content
Online project submission
Communication of the outcome by the Vienna Business Agency

Deadlines and submission

Submission period:1 January 2024 to 31 December 2026
Submission period:Ongoing until 31 December 2026

As a funding expert for neighbourhood businesses and digitalisation, I facilitate related projects – from submission and evaluation to project support and completion – and am available for consultations. I currently provide support for Digitalisation, and Neighbourhood Business Energy Funding.

 As a funding expert for production and neighbourhood businesses, I facilitate related projects – from submission and evaluation to project support and completion – and am available for consultations.
Lukas Dingelmaier

As a funding expert for production and neighbourhood businesses, I facilitate related projects – from submission and evaluation to project support and completion – and am available for consultations. I currently provide support for Production and Neighbourhood Business Energy Funding.

Als Förderexperte im Bereich Nahversorgung betreue ich Projekte bis zum Projektabschluss
Julian Königsecker

As a funding expert for neighbourhood businesses, I facilitate related projects from submission to evaluation and project support to project completion and am available for consultations. 

Information material for Neighbourhood Business Energy Funding