Are you planning to relocate your company to Vienna? Will your business be conducting production operations in Vienna going forward? Are you founding a company in Vienna to produce locally? We provide Business Location Funding to support your operations in Vienna and to assist companies setting up their headquarters in the city. You can also get in touch with us if you provide services to manufacturing companies or if your development proposals in research and development facilitate production in the city.
Facts about Business Location Funding
Maximum funding amount: | 300,000 to 500,000 euros |
Funding rate: | 10-20% |
Minimum project value: | 150,000 euros for small companies and 300,000 euros for medium-sized companies and large-scale enterprises. |
Who is eligible? | Existing small-, medium-, and large-scale enterprises, as well as founders in Vienna. Companies that want to move to Vienna or open their headquarters here. |
Business sectors: | Production sector, production-related services, research, development, and waste management. |
Eligible costs: | Structural modifications, the purchase of building structures, services such as architectural services. |
Upfront payment: | Up to a maximum of 50% of the approved funding amount can be paid up front.
Maximum project duration: | 4 years |
Documents for your application to receive Business Location Funding: | A duly completed online funding application, an application confirmation, as well as a de minimis declaration, your latest annual financial statements, and/or an income statement, a standard cost statement, and building plans. |
Assessment: | An independent jury will assess your submission and provide a recommendation for your development proposal's funding. We provide Business Location Funding to support development proposals that drive climate and environmental goals and boost employment in Vienna.
Legal basis under European state aid law: | De minimis and/or GBER Articles 17 and 22 |
Submission deadlines: | September 30, December 31 |
Our consultations and networking events will help you navigate these steps.