I specialise in providing comprehensive support to businesses from the North American west coast, Latin America, Portugal, and Spain.
Nina Jakic
International Business

Do you want to locate your business in Vienna? I specialise in providing comprehensive support to businesses from the North American west coast, Latin America, Portugal, and Spain.
Contact me if you're planning to set up your business in Vienna. Let's meet.

I will answer your questions so that you can settle in Vienna with your company from Northern Germany, the United Kingdom, Ireland, Benelux, Scandinavia, Africa or Oceania.
Jan Riepl
International Business

Is your company from Northern Germany, the United Kingdom, Ireland, the Benelux countries, Scandinavia, Africa, or Oceania, and are you looking to establish a presence in Vienna? Get in touch with me. I'll be happy to answer your questions to expedite the process of locating your business in Vienna.

I specialise in providing comprehensive support to companies from the North American east coast and Brazil in their endeavour to set up shop in Vienna.
Karin Zeltner
International Business ∣ Team Leader

Do you have questions about locating your business in Vienna? I specialise in providing comprehensive support to companies from the North American east coast and Brazil in their endeavour to set up shop in Vienna. Get in touch if you're looking to locate your business in Vienna. Let's meet.