Tho – late snack in Leopoldstadt
July 1, 2024|AH
Career changer Paul and his girlfriend Marie have come up with their own unconventional and unique recipe for the perfect bread in Vienna’s second district – Leopoldstadt. True passion, a vibrant neighbourhood and a desire to do things differently!
“Tho” is Paul Thomann from South Styria. Paul is the brains – or, actually, the hands – behind this new bakery in Vienna's second district. Paul’s discovered his love of baking slowly over many years. He finally began working at a bakery years after his first attempts at baking. That was just the kick he needed to transform his dream of owning his own bakery into reality. And he wasted no time. Despite his lack of formal training, he signed up for the examination for his master craftsman's certificate. Soon after, “Tho – Brot + Laden” was born on Ferdinandstrasse in Leopoldstadt, Vienna.
“This career change was a massive challenge for me, but that made our success all the sweeter!”
Bake-Life Balance
So has another one of those hip new bakeries appeared in the heart of Vienna? No – they do things differently at Tho. As a local supplier, Paul and his girlfriend Marie have a fresh take on the bakery concept. They have no desire to work at night, so the shop is closed mornings, when they bake and get ready for customers. They finally open their doors at 2 pm. Somewhat uncommonly for a bakery, the duo is able to maintain a fairly normal daily routine.
Perseverance wins the prize
The area around Praterstrasse is Paul’s adopted home. He soon realised that this was where he wanted to set up shop and implement his unusual concept. But the quest for the perfect bakery was far from easy. Ideally, Paul wanted to take over an existing business to keep red tape to a minimum and reduce the need for new purchases. In fact, he ended up at a site without any permits, air conditioning or the usual amenities. “Needless to say, it drained my resources,” Paul recalls.
But his perseverance paid off. The brand-new local baker went along to the City of Vienna's Project Consultation Day in the second district. He received advice and secured Street-Level Business Revitalisation Funding. With this support, he overcame all the red tape, fitted out his shop and fulfilled his dream of owning his own bakery on Ferdinandstrasse by February 2024.
Das Tho
Services of the Vienna Business Agency
Supported in the promotion
Street-Level Business Revitalisation FundingSupported in the promotion
Neighbourhood Business Funding