Auf diesem Foto sieht man das Brot der Tho Baeckerei.
No baking mixes, just home-grown natural sourdough and yeast, which Paul cultivates and preps on site every morning.
A small shop with a broad product range: the “Willi” is a wheat baguette named after a good friend and supporter of the baker.
Mann schenk ein Glas Wein ein.
Bread and fizz: Tho has everything your heart desires!
Eine Ansammlung von Menschen in der Baeckerei Tho.
The small bakery welcomes locals after office hours.
Bäcker backt sein Brot in seiner Baeckerei.
Unique and personal. With support from Street-Level Business Revitalisation Funding, Paul was able to set up and fit out his small bakery.
Visitors to the shop can watch the bakers preparing their perfect sourdough through a large window.

Das Tho

Ferdinandstraße 2, 1020 Wien

Services of the Vienna Business Agency

Supported in the promotion

Neighbourhood Business Funding