Dajan in front of his ice cream shop on Heine Strasse in Vienna’s 2nd district – the former financial advisor has turned his passion into a profession with “Sreja Ice”.
[Translate to English:] Dajan Srejic, Gründer von Sreja Ice, steht hinter der Theke und lächelt, während er eine Kugel Eis in einen Becher füllt. Er trägt ein weißes T-Shirt und ein Armband, das Eis wird sorgfältig mit einem Eiskugler portioniert.
Dajan Srejic adds a scoop of lemon cake flavoured ice cream to a cup. He is delighted to present the Sreja Ice bestseller, one of his first creations.
Safety and hygiene are top priorities: protective clothing, including overshoes and hairnets, is a must in the Sreja Ice production facility to ensure high standards of quality.
[Translate to English:] Dajan Srejic trägt ein Haarnetz und einen weißen Kittel und hält ein Tablett mit gelben Eisbechern. Im Hintergrund sind weitere Produkte in Regalen zu sehen.
Fresh products packaged with love: Managing Director Dajan Srejic checks the finished ice cream specialities – every carton is a piece of Viennese innovation and passion.

Sreja Ice

Heinestraße 3/2, 1020 Wien

Services of the Vienna Business Agency

Funded through the programme Neighbourhood Business Funding

Neighbourhood Business Funding

Funded through the programme Street-Level Business Revitalisation Funding

Business Revitalisation

Supported in the local energy supply programme for further expansion of the business premises in 1020

Neighbourhood Business Funding