Symposium Kreative Räume Wien
Building Communities - sharing vacant properties
On 2 and 3 April, Kreative Räume Wien, the service for vacancy activation and interim use for the City of Vienna, is hosting the symposium ‘Building Communities – Leerstand kooperativ nutzen’ (Building Communities – Cooperative Use of Vacancies). Successful practical examples show how collectively organised spaces are created, how pioneering uses can be structurally anchored and which strategies have proven effective in securing affordable space for creative and public-interest uses.
The symposium offers insightful keynote speeches, an excursion and a panel discussion.
Details of the programme.
Wednesday, 2nd April 1-5 pm
Day 1 #Listen: Lectures
Projects from Vienna, Berlin, Hamburg and Zurich, give insights into their organisational structures and the integration of pioneering uses into urban development processes.
Wednesday, 2nd April 7-9 pm
Day 1 #Talk: Evening Panel
Discussion on the demand for affordable space and financing models for creative uses in existing and new buildings in Vienna. Panelists: Veronika Kaup-Hasler (City Councillor for Cultural Affairs, City of Vienna), Thomas Madreiter (Planning Director, City of Vienna), Elisabeth Pialek (Bundesimmobiliengesellschaft BIG), Daniela Schindler (Kunst- und Kulturverein Semmelweisklinik), Dominic Weiss (Managing Director, Vienna Business Agency)
Thursday, 3rd April 2-7 pm
Day 2 #Discover: Exhibition
The exhibition gives insights and information regarding current projects, initiatives and funding.
Thursday, 3rd April 1-5 pm
Day 2 #Walk: Excursion
Registration required. Joint visit to current interim use projects in Vienna. 1. Funkhaus - never at home 2. Creative Cluster Margareten 3. Reallabor Fassfabrik.
By attending the event, you consent to the use and publication of photographs taken during the event to depict the activities of the Vienna Business Agency on its website, its social media channels and in print media.
Questions about the event? Please contact us.