Smart City Summit 2025
Let’s Co-Create Circular Cities!
Welcome to the Smart City SuMMit, an annual event to work together on solutions for the city of tomorrow. It is taking place as part of the Vienna UP.
This year's motto is: Let's Co-Create Cities!
The Smart City SuMMit is organized by the Vienna Business Agency and supported by Wiener Stadtwerke, Klima- und Energiefonds, Österreichische Forschungsförderungsgesellschaft and Climate Lab.
Registration & Coffee
Register and connect to other change makers over coffee with our networking bingo
Welcome by Climate Lab, Vienna Business Agency and Stadtwerke Wien
Keynotes & Impulses
Keynote: Why Circular Cities? What the future holds // Impulse: Where does Vienna stand on the path to becoming a Circular City? // Impulse: What are global Best Practices & Trends? // Impulse: What is the Role of Stadtwerke Wien on the path to a Circular City Vienna?
Circular Cities Startup Pitches
International and Viennese Startups pitching their solutions for Circular Cities
Coffee Break & Networking
Interactive Small Group Sessions
Panel Discussion
Wrap Up
Networking with lunch
By attending the event, you consent to the use and publication of photographs taken during the event to depict the activities of the Vienna Business Agency on its website, its social media channels and in print media.

The project "Innovatives Wien" (IWI) is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund. With this project, the Vienna Business Agency aims to strengthen the innovative power of Viennese companies, encourage cooperation in the development of human-centered digital technologies and innovative solutions for climate change and circular economy, as well as inspire young Viennese for future professions. Further information at https://www.efre.gv
Questions about the event? Please contact us.