DataXcellence Konferenz
Apply now for tickets
On April 10 and 11, 2025, the data community will meet again to exchange ideas on the topic “Data Success: People.Culture.Technology” for two days.
- People: How can companies build a data-driven culture that empowers and integrates employees?
- Culture: What role do values, leadership and collaboration play in data-driven transformation?
- Technology: How can cutting-edge technologies be used to turn data into tangible success?
The Vienna Business Agency is offering 4 free tickets to Viennese SMEs. Please note the conditions of participation!
Further information can be found here.
By attending the event, you consent to the use and publication of photographs taken during the event to depict the activities of the Vienna Business Agency on its website, its social media channels and in print media.

The project "Innovatives Wien" (IWI) is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund. With this project, the Vienna Business Agency aims to strengthen the innovative power of Viennese companies, encourage cooperation in the development of human-centered digital technologies and innovative solutions for climate change and circular economy, as well as inspire young Viennese for future professions. Further information at https://www.efre.gv
Questions about the event? Please contact us.