Content Vienna Connecting: gamescom 2024
The winners at the international games fair
Wed, 21.08.2024
- Sun, 25.08.2024
Messeplatz 1,
Köln, Deutschland
From 21 to 25 August, gamescom, the largest event for computer and video games and Europe's most prominent business platform for the games industry, will once again take place in Cologne.
With ‘Content Vienna Connecting - gamescom’, we are once again offering three games developers from Vienna the opportunity to take part in gamescom in 2024, gain insights into the international games scene and make new contacts for their work.
Congratulations to this year's winners Gal Axis (12b3 games), Philipp Lehner and Ronja Luise Rößner!
Gal Axis
Managing Director of 12B3 Games
Ronja Luise Rößner
Game developer, junior e-commerce specialist
Philipp Lehner