Business Treff: Open Data Expo
Experience and understand data
On the occasion of the international Open Data Day 2025, the FH Technikum Wien and the Vienna Business Agency invite you to the 4th Open Data Expo on March 5, 2025.
This year's motto is once again “Experiencing and understanding data”. Numerous applications and projects based on publicly accessible data will be presented. Participants of the Open Data Expo will have the opportunity to visit the headquarters of the Vienna Air Monitoring Network in three groups of 20 people each.
Workshops will also be offered.
By attending the event, you consent to the use and publication of photographs taken during the event to depict the activities of the Vienna Business Agency on its website, its social media channels and in print media.
Die Veranstaltung/der Workshop findet im Rahmen des Projektes „Open Source Innovation Hub (OSIH)“ statt. Dieses Projekt wird im Rahmen des Programmes „Interreg Österreich - Tschechien“ aus Mitteln des Europäischen Fonds für regionale Entwicklung gefördert.