Facts about Vienna Quality of Life Funding

Maximum funding amount per project:

150,000 euros per project

Funding rate:

maximum 50%

Minimum project value:

20,000 euros


Women's bonus: 5,000 euros. Startup bonus: 5,000 euros. The women's bonus is awarded if your development proposal is managed by a woman with the necessary qualifications. If a new company is founded as part of the development proposal, we'll also pay a startup bonus.

Who is eligible?

Small and medium-sized enterprises, as well as founders. In addition to companies, we also provide funding to Vienna-based associations and organisations in the social, research, and educational sectors as partners.

Business sectors:

All business sectors.

Eligible costs:

Payroll costs, consultation and development costs, investment costs for new machines and equipment, prototype construction costs as well as costs for structural modifications.

Upfront payment:

Up to a maximum of 50% of the approved funding amount can be paid up front. Don't forget your biannual progress report on your development proposal.

Maximum project duration:

2 years


An independent jury will assess your submission and provide a recommendation for your development proposal's funding.

Documents for your application to receive Vienna Quality of Life Funding:

A duly completed online funding application, an application confirmation, a de minimis declaration, your latest annual financial statements, and/or an income statement.

Legal basis under European state aid law:


Submission deadlines:

30 April, 31 August, 31 December 2025

Typical steps when applying for Vienna Quality of Life funding

Developing a project idea
Consultations by the Vienna Business Agency
Selecting the funding that's right for you
Organising your project content
Online project submission
Project assessment by a jury
Communication of the outcome by the Vienna Business Agency

Deadlines and submission

Submission period:1 January 2024 to 13 December 2026
Submission deadlines:30 April, 31 August, 31 December 2025
 As a funding expert for innovation and research, I facilitate related projects – from submission and evaluation to project support and completion – and am available for consultations.
Manuela Knobloch

As a funding expert for innovation and research, I facilitate related projects – from submission and evaluation to project support and completion – and am available for consultations. I currently provide support for Vienna Quality of Life and the Startup Grant.

As an innovation funding expert, I assist businesses in implementing their project ideas – from submission and evaluation to project support and completion – and am available for consultations. I currently provide support for Vienna Quality of Life Funding and the Vienna Planet Fund.

Information material for Vienna Quality of Life Funding