14. Austrian Innovation Forum 2024 - Human-centered Innovation.
Secure discounted tickets!
In our disruptive world, we need to rethink the future. To recognise what comes next, we need certain skills. The circular economy, resource efficiency and decarbonisation enable new business models and require co-creation across company boundaries.
We will be joined by 200 innovation managers from leading companies for an
exchange at eye level. The Vienna Business Agency will be available as an exhibitor to provide advice on Vienna as a centre of innovation and will be holding a discussion on the topic of ‘DATA FOR SUSTAINABLILITY. ESG as a driver of innovation in the triple transition’.
Information on discounted tickets is available on request from Kristina Maurer.
By attending the event, you consent to the use and publication of photographs taken during the event to depict the activities of the Vienna Business Agency on its website, its social media channels and in print media.

The project "Innovatives Wien" (IWI) is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund. With this project, the Vienna Business Agency aims to strengthen the innovative power of Viennese companies, encourage cooperation in the development of human-centered digital technologies and innovative solutions for climate change and circular economy, as well as inspire young Viennese for future professions. Further information at https://www.efre.gv
Questions about the event? Please contact us.